3.9k DLs + Mini Announcement + Yamanashi Trip Report!!

Hello everyone, it's Kani🦀 speaking! Thank you so much for the 3900+ downloads for the full build!!! サンキュー!
Ebi and I drew a little something as to celebrate🎊

Since it's long overdue, here's a thank you note from my best partner in crime, Ebi!

Hello, Ebi here.

This is my first time publicly creating something original. "Lay It Bare!" first draft was much simpler in the beginning, yet thanks to my partner, team members, and everyone who contributed that it’s gotten this far and polished. I was excited but also a bit anxious at the start, however we received positive feedback and hearing that people also enjoy the game, I couldn’t be happier!

As for our team direction in the distant future, we are thinking of stepping up the dev process in our team. I am considering using a more expanded engine and also broadening our genre from a simple visual novel. This might not be happening in a short span and more on the longer term ideal though, we will try our best!

Finally, thank you for playing and sharing “Lay It Bare!” with other people to enjoy, we hope to see you again. Have a comfortable day and don’t forget to stay hydrated!


As for my own thank you note, well, first of all, thank you so much everyone for the support! Honestly, when we first start planning this, we didn't expect much since this is an original game. And, well... I suck at marketing, orz. But seeing everyone who downloads, gives rating, comments, and donates... I'm just like🥺 I'm so glad people loved our blorbos...,,

Thank you Ebi for being THE partner, if it wasn't for Ebi kicking me in the ass I wouldn't dream of finishing a VN of our OCs. Thank you Isu, the amazing word wizard who gave them life and a whole story that exceeds our expectation, and fulfilling our thirst (TM)! Thank you Queen, for beta-reading the script and writing the extra spicy scene hehe. Thank you Alibaba-san and Ruru-san, for lending your wonderful voices for Taiyou and Rui!

And once again, thank you everyone for all the support, I couldn't have done this without you waaahhh (bows)

📢Mini Announcement📢

Maybe some of you are aware of this, but we're gonna participate in this year's Spooktober! We're planning to make a brand-new, wacky horror-romcom BL VN, so please look forward to it! I'm gonna try to update our progress in Twitter, so do check it out for some future updates! Here are the characters' concept sketches, as a treat.

🎒Yamanashi Trip Report!🎒

From this point onwards, I wanna share about our trip to Yamanashi, where Rui lives!

Earlier this year, since we wanted to get a feel about the place surrounding Mt. Fuji, Ebi and I decided to go for a short trip there. Rui lives around Mitsutouge Station, and to get there we gotta take a train to Kawaguchiko Station first. Alright, the station itself isn't that far from the city we lived in, just a shy of a couple and half hours. So in the morning we took the Shinkansen and head there. I wanted to book a seat, but unfortunately it's booked full already, so we stood for the whole trip lol

The train made a few stops, and it stopped at Mt. Fuji Station at one point. This was the first time I've seen the mountain up this close, it was majestic!

Anyway, we arrived at Kawaguchiko safely just before noon! Kinda expected that there would be a lot of people since it was weekend, but wow there were so many people. I actually had to wait for a bit for it to have this shot lol

Anyway, we made a brief stop to grab a lunch. At first I wanted to try the local delicacy which is houtou, but the photo of the karaage and vegetable curry the shop used was too irresistible we ended up ordering those instead lol. Then I saw the family that sat beside us ordered the houtou, and yeah, that was definitely too big even for the two of us...

After lunch, we rode the local line towards our original destination, Mitsutouge Station! I think one thing I noticed was unlike JR that I was used to, the wait time between each departure was definitely longer...

Another thing was the wooden floor of the train interior!

It took about 30 minutes to get there from Kawaguchiko. When we got there, right after we got off from the train, one of the train staff stopped us to ask about our ticket and how did we get here. We were confused since we never really had anyone asked us about it where we live, but we showed him our electronic train passes and he understood and apologized for stopping us and left.

Anyway, this is how the Mitsutouge Station looks.

Somehow there was a Yama no Susume cutout, probably for an event or something. Since it isn't a tourist spot, I guess it's normal to be empty huh...

After we were satisfied taking photo of the inner part of the station, we decided to get outside, and lo and behold...

...the ticket gate was like this, and there was NOBODY there. No stationmaster, no staff, nobody. The ticket gate wasn't the automatic one so you can technically board the train without paying, AND the ticket machine was broken so there's no way you can buy any ticket in this station. Now we understood why the train staff stopped us earlier...

Of course, since we're upstanding citizens (lol) we tapped our passes like we usually do to get out of the station. Apparently, just like the state of the station, the vicinity surrounding the area was pretty empty as well. It's quite and very peaceful, and definitely looks like a place Rui would choose for himself.

We took a walk around the area, but apart from a couple izakaya, it's basically a quiet residential area. There wasn't even a convenience store around, I wound up thinking "Rui must be doing big bulk of groceries every month in the bigger station", haha.

Well, that's all about the Mitsutouge Station. After we got the photos, Ebi and I decided to ride the bus for some sight-seeing to one of Taiyou & co.'s original destination, which is one of the Fuji Five Lakes; the Lake Kawaguchi.

Too bad the swan boats are closed that day... I was kinda looking forward to it. After that, we rode the Mt. Kachi Kachi ropeway to climb the Mount Tenjou.


That's about it. We bought some souvenirs and then we rode the Shinkansen back home. This time, we lucked out and scored the seats lol

Thank you for reading this far! I hope you enjoyed it, even just a little bit. This is probably going to be the last devlog about Lay It Bare! for a while. Unless...?👀

That's all for now, eat well and sleep well!


Get Lay It Bare!


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I'm so glad you're reaching more milestones for this game, it was wonderful to play and you deserve all the success!!

Also, I'm SO EXCITED to see that Spooktober game, I'll keep looking out for updates! (The blond guy is an early runner to steal my heart...)

Also also, I love the pics from Yamanashi! It looks beautiful, I'd love to go visit Japan sometime...


Aaaa thank you so much ;n; Your comment always makes me so happy <33 And I'm glad you like him!! Seeing other people liking something that I mostly design to cater to me and my tastes only feels so😭😭 Thank you...,,

And yeah Yamanashi is beautiful, we didn't get to explore much since the trip was more for material collection rather than a holiday trip, but there are much more to see such as an ice cave, flower gardens, and the theme parks... I'd really recommend it and I hope you can come here one day!
